September 2023 Equinox Ritual

Your Equinox Ritual:

  • invites you to discover hidden pathways within you.
  • guides you through an empowering visualization journey.
  • supports your personal path of healing, exploration, and growth.

It’s time to honor what’s fallen away,
and find gratitude for what’s here now,
preparing for new growth. 


You didn’t miss it.

Like a clock in the sky, the Sun arrives directly above Earth’s equator on September 23rd, marking the time when night and day are of approximately equal length.

The Equinox is celebrated twice a year with rituals, gratitude, and the art of ancient monuments.

It all leads up to a new season.

Wherever you are in the world, this shift impacts you.

The paths you’ve been walking are now lit in a new hue.

Scenery feels different.

The air smells nostalgic.

I’m trying something new this Equinox.

I’ve created a ritual, written as usual, however this time there’s an audio recording that goes along with it.

Sometimes it’s easier to remain immersed in the mindful journey of visualization when you can close your eyes and be safely guided through, as I will do for you.

I’d love to hear your feedback. It was fun to put together, and I think the final product is really something special!

Once you receive it, you can utilize this particular ritual for both Equinoxes (September and March), wherever you are in the world, every year.

Thank you for supporting me and our community.

I wish you sweet surrender and rejuvenation, dear one.

Receiving and downloading your Ritual is easy! After you complete your purchase, scroll down on the receipt page and there will be 2 download links for you.

You’ll also receive an e-mail that includes your receipt and your ritual downloads.

Your ritual will be sent to you as a PDF and MP3 that you can save and refer back to as many times as you need.

If you have any problems finding it, simply send an e-mail and I’ll make sure you receive your ritual.


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